1.) Download and complete this form and submit it to If you place orders for areas with different fiscal officers, please have each of them replicate this process.
2.) Create your departmental account. Set your username as your Dawg Tag ID number (leave SIU off). Your password can be anything you want and is not related to your network ID.
3.) Have your fiscal officer(s) create account(s).
Once the profile(s) have been set up, the new process will be:
- You submit a job for printing.
- The appropriate fiscal officer or their delegate receives an email (be sure to have them check spam if they have not recieved).
- The fiscal officer or delegate must click on the link in the email OR go to the "My Orders" section on this website to approve the order. Simply click "approve" and "submit" to release the job.
- The order will at that point be active in our system.